In love and unable to depart
Three months and I’m not ready to leave, it is late February 2022. This will be the third time that Gary and I drive down together to Baja California Sur.
The first time was 20 years ago before we knew anything about kiting, but we knew alot about surfing and tandem surfing. We had Sky with us, he was almost 2 and Castor our German Shepherd was 4. We stayed at Cabo Surf in San Jose del Cabo, camp by Cabo San Lucas and surfed our hearts out.
La Ventana... we came last year for a month and a half and it was fabulous. The dogs loved it (Apollo now 14, and Athena 5), it was such an amazing experience we knew we had to do it again.
This year has been even better, we shared a double home compound for a month with dear friends, we had 3 dogs Cooper and my 2, plus 4 young adults who came at different times to bring extra spice into the holliday; we kitesurf, snorkel, wing foil ,e-foil, we talked & connected…
The last 6 weeks was more about introspection, study (work for Gary), spiritual growth, with a lot of kitesurfing and new friends. No wonder I don’t wanna leave, but there’s things to do, places to go, Yoga classes to teach and life back in Hood. Will be back in Baja next winter.
Love at first sight
The very first time I came to Cabo San Lucas I drove... I was 19, it was 1989.
I was visiting my brother who was the manager at the Giggling Marlin at the time. it was supposed to be a 2 week visit, I kept staying longer (see what I mean? Baja has a magnet on me). At week 4, I made the resolution to go. The plan was; picking up my stuff from LA, visiting my Mom in Germany with final destination Australia... not in the stars, instead that night I met "The Guy"... I saw him at the Giggling Marlin standing with a cool looking group watching a couple dirty dancing on a table. he looked a me, I looked at him, and 2 hours after this first grade display, I mustered up the courage to ask him to dance. It was 1 hour until last call, I needed to get a move on, or my moves on. no joke I ask this guy to dance and that was it, it was like I knew him for a million years, I stayed another 2 weeks... 33 years later still in love with that cool, heart of gold guy (don't tell my husband) ha, ha, ha, joking, they are one and the same.
